Jubilee Life Ministries

About Jubilee

30 years in Ministries with multiple locations throughout South Africa.

Our Values

Jubilee Life Ministries core values are rooted in scripture.

Our Mission

Acts 13:22, “I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart”.

Our Belief

For the foundation to be solid our beliefs have to be steadfast and effective.

We are jubilee Life ministries

Believing in God’s Word and Spirit.

Jubilee Life Ministries holds its core values based on the Bible. These values are built on seven main principles that guide our ministry.

Firstly, we acknowledge Christ as the leader of all our activities. Secondly, we use creativity and new ideas to stay relevant in different cultures and effectively spread Christ’s message. Thirdly, we aim for excellence in everything we do to honor God.

Additionally, we work to create a welcoming atmosphere like a family, focusing on grace to show God’s love and acceptance without conditions. 

Our ministries

Find Your Place at Jubilee Life Ministries

Get involved at Jubilee Life Ministries! Whether you’re drawn to our youth ministry or passionate about local and international outreach, there’s a place for you here.

Community Outreach Ministry

Community Outreach Ministry

Serving our local communities through various programs and initiatives aimed at providing support, resources, and hope.

Global Outreach Ministry

Global Outreach Ministry

Spreading the gospel and providing humanitarian aid to communities in need around the world, embodying Christ's love and compassion.

Health Ministry

Health Ministry

Promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being through health education, wellness programs, and compassionate care.

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Die bonatuurlike krag van God

Past. Jacobus Brouwers

Soetigheid in jou stryd

Past. Jacobus Brouwers

Dinge gaan beter word

Past. Jacobus Brouwers

jubilee building project

"Drive Safe, Arrive Safe: Your Life Matters!"

At Jubilee Life, your safety is our priority. We’re committed to ensuring you stay protected, both on the road and in life.

jubilee building project


LOCATION OF Jubilee Life Ministries

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